Squirrels are known for their diverse diets, but do squirrels eat dog food? This question puzzles many pet owners who spot these bushy-tailed critters near their dog’s outdoor bowls.

While squirrels typically prefer nuts, seeds, and fruits, their adaptability in urban environments has led to surprising dietary choices. 2

Our team of veterinarians and wildlife experts has observed squirrel behavior for years. They’ve seen firsthand how these clever animals adapt to city life. Squirrels may nibble on dog food when their usual food sources are scarce. 1 This article explores why squirrels might eat dog food and what it means for pet owners. 3

Key Takeaways

  • Squirrels do eat dog food when they find it, especially in urban areas.
  • DNA tests of 188 squirrels found 42 food families in their diet, proving they eat many things, including pet food.
  • Urban squirrels get 59.4% of their food from trash bins in February to survive winter.
  • Dog food attracts squirrels because it’s high in protein and fat, helping them maintain body mass.
  • While squirrels can eat dog food, it’s not ideal for their health and lacks key nutrients they need.

Squirrels’ Dietary Habits

Two squirrels in a forest, one nibbling on an acorn, the other climbing a tree.

Squirrels eat a wide range of foods in the wild. They munch on nuts, seeds, fruits, and even small insects.

Overview of typical foods

Nuts and seeds top the list of a squirrel’s favorite foods. These small mammals love acorns, walnuts, and pine seeds. They also enjoy fruits like apples and berries. In forests, squirrels feast on tree buds and bark. 2

Squirrels are nature’s little gardeners, planting forgotten seeds everywhere they go.

Urban squirrels adapt their diet to city life. They often raid bird feeders for sunflower seeds and corn. These clever critters also snack on fungi, insects, and even small eggs. 1 A squirrel’s diet changes with the seasons, based on what’s easy to find.

Adaptability in urban environments

Urban squirrels show amazing skills to survive in cities. They eat from trash bins and adapt their habits to city life. A study found that 59.4% of their food comes from bins in February. 2 This helps them get through tough winter months.

These city squirrels act different from their country cousins. They worry less about predators and focus more on finding food. As trash bins fill up or when it gets warmer, squirrels look for food less often.

This smart behavior helps them thrive in urban areas. Now, let’s explore if squirrels actually eat dog food. 3

Do Squirrels Eat Dog Food?

Squirrels eat dog food when they find it. They like it because it’s high in protein and easy to get.


Evidence of squirrels consuming dog food

Studies show squirrels eat dog food. DNA tests of 188 squirrels found 42 food families in their diet. This proves they eat many things, including pet food. 4 Experts say squirrels adapt to city life by eating new foods.

They often raid dog bowls left outside. This happens most when their normal food is scarce. 5 Dog food attracts squirrels because it’s high in protein and fat. 5 These nutrients help squirrels survive cold months.

But vets warn that dog food isn’t ideal for squirrels. It has meat, which isn’t part of their natural diet .

Reasons why squirrels may be attracted to dog food

Squirrels’ attraction to dog food stems from its high energy content. Urban squirrels adapt to human-provided food sources, often shifting their home ranges closer to these easy meals.

Dog food offers a stable, high-calorie option that helps squirrels maintain body mass, especially during seasonal food shortages. 6

Habitat fragmentation in cities pushes squirrels to explore new food options. Dog food’s protein and fat content mimics the nuts and seeds squirrels naturally seek. Its availability in yards or on porches makes it an easy target for these clever foragers.

Squirrels’ omnivorous diet allows them to digest dog food, though it’s not ideal for their nutritional needs. 5


Squirrels can eat dog food, but it’s not ideal. They prefer nuts, fruits, and seeds in nature. Dog food lacks key nutrients squirrels need. Feeding them dog food can harm their health and change their habits.

It’s best to let squirrels find their own food in the wild.

To learn more about unusual pet behaviors, check out our article on why your dog keeps licking the carpet.


1. Do squirrels really eat dog food?

Yes, squirrels eat dog food. They’re omnivores and scavengers. Hungry squirrels might munch on dry dog food or cat food if they find it.

2. What’s a squirrel’s main food in nature?

Squirrels love nuts, seeds, and fruit. They eat acorns, pecans, and sunflower seeds. But they also enjoy berries, mushrooms, and even bird eggs.

3. Is it okay to feed squirrels human food?

It’s best not to. People food lacks the nutrition squirrels need. Stick to nuts, seeds, or veggies. Avoid sugary snacks or junk food – it’s bad for their health.

4. Can squirrels eat from bird feeders?

Absolutely. Squirrels often raid bird feeders for seeds. They’re clever and can figure out most “squirrel-proof” feeders. Many backyard watchers have seen this!

5. Do squirrels carry diseases?

Yes, squirrels can carry diseases like rabies and leptospirosis. It’s rare, but possible. Don’t handle wild squirrels. Call a wildlife pro if you need help.

6. What should I do if I find a baby squirrel?

Leave it be, if possible. Mom squirrels often return for babies. If it’s in danger, call a wildlife expert. Don’t try to feed it cow’s milk or human baby formula.


  1. ^ https://www.livescience.com/28182-squirrels.html (2014-06-27)
  2. ^ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9638426/
  3. ^ https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11252-023-01468-z
  4. ^ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7391308/
  5. ^ https://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?2958-What-to-feed-a-squirrel (2006-12-17)
  6. ^ https://academic.oup.com/jmammal/article/97/6/1543/2628012